3 year old girl: "Mme Natalie, your air is different."
Me: "What... My hair?"
girl: "No, the air, it smells like oranges!"
Me: "Oh, I just ate an orange! Smell my hand! Hah!"
Yesterday I found play-money in a kid's lunchbox... which she took from the classroom!!! Here's what she said: Me: "Why did you take that play-money? It's the school's..." 3 yr old: "It's for my mommy, she really likes money."
5 yr old boy: "Mme Natalie, can I have your phone number?" me: "What for?" boy: "So we can keep in touch!" Gah. The end of the year kills me. Especially after two years with some of the cutest kids in the world... and one that wears a bowtie sometimes. So much love for these guys.
Me: "What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Chocolate, vanilla, coconut ?"
Kid#1: "chocolate!"
2nd teacher: "We were also just talking about ice cream! Seems like everyone has ice cream on the mind!"
Kid #2: "What? I don't have ice cream on my head. I don't have any ice cream in my hair!
Teacher: "Let's look at geometric solids. This one's a cube. This one's a prism."
Kid: (looking horrified) "You mean there's people TRAPPED in there?"
Teacher: "It's a prism, not a prison!"
Kid#1: "for their babies."
Kid#2: "it's the only food they can eat."
Kid#3: "I have honey at home."
Kid#4: "I like honey."
Kid#5:"I got stung by a bee once."
Answer: It's their winter food when nectar and pollen aren't around!
(the real answer has to do with gravity pulling down the roots)
kid #1: Something in the seed tells them.
kid # 2: They follow the path of the water after being watered.
kid # 3: Because of the sun.
kid # 4: My mom made sprouts for dinner once.
So we did a science experiment at school today! We asked the kids to guess what would happen when we mix vinegar and baking soda together with a dash of soap?
Most popular answer in the class: it will make bacon.
Hah! What else would "bacon powder" make? Hah. Oh these kids! Click here for the experiment!
Kid #1: "Because they got hit by a giant rock!"
Kid #2: "A volcano exploded!"
Kid #3: "An animal scared them all away."
....Kid #3: "They got too old."
Teacher: "How do ants know how to follow each other?"
Kid #1: "They leave a trail of crumbs to follow!"
Kid# 2: "They follow the footprints of the other ones!"