
Orange aura

3 year old girl: "Mme Natalie, your air is different."
Me: "What... My hair?"
girl: "No, the air, it smells like oranges!"
Me: "Oh, I just ate an orange! Smell my hand! Hah!"

Apparently I have a sweet aura or something!

Money money

Yesterday I found play-money in a kid's lunchbox... which she took from the classroom!!! Here's what she said:

Me: "Why did you take that play-money? It's the school's..."
3 yr old: "It's for my mommy, she really likes money."

Hahahah! CUTE!


Call me

5 yr old boy: "Mme Natalie, can I have your phone number?"
me: "What for?"
boy: "So we can keep in touch!"

Gah. The end of the year kills me. Especially after two years with some of the cutest kids in the world... and one that wears a bowtie sometimes. So much love for these guys.


Ice Cream Hair

Me: "What's your favorite kind of ice cream? Chocolate, vanilla, coconut ?"
Kid#1: "chocolate!"
2nd teacher: "We were also just talking about ice cream! Seems like everyone has ice cream on the mind!"
Kid #2: "What? I don't have ice cream on my head. I don't have any ice cream in my hair!

Cute! (3 years old!)


Geometrical prison

Teacher: "Let's look at geometric solids. This one's a cube. This one's a prism."
Kid: (looking horrified) "You mean there's people TRAPPED in there?"
Teacher: "It's a prism, not a prison!"

Cutest 5 year old in the world.

Magic Word

Kid: "I need a tissue."
Teacher: "What's the magic word?"
Kid: "Abracadabra."
Teacher: "The other one.... that starts with a P?"

I was looking for please. Hah! Adorable!


Honey honey

Teacher: " Why do bees make honey?"

Kid#1: "for their babies."
Kid#2: "it's the only food they can eat."
Kid#3: "I have honey at home."
Kid#4: "I like honey."
Kid#5:"I got stung by a bee once."

Answer: It's their winter food when nectar and pollen aren't around!


Gravity-free trees!

Teacher: "why do some animals sleep upside down?"

Kid#1: "Because they like it". 4yrs old
Kid#2: "Because they just do". 3 yrs old
Kid#3: "Because there is no gravity in the trees!" 5yrs old

Amazing these kids are pretty clever! Hah!


Nighty Night, Sleep Tight

Teacher: "Why do we need to sleep?"

Kid #1: "Because the sun goes down and it's dark."
Kid #2: "Because we need to grow."
Kid #3: "Because we will be grumpy if we don't."

...Kid #4: "Because Santa won't come!"



Chocolate tree

Teacher: "Where does chocolate come from?"

Kid #1: The grocery store
Kid #2: A factory
Kid #3: The man at the shoppe.
Kid #4: from bubbles (Aero bar anyone?)

It actually comes from trees... from cocoa beans! The kids loooved the idea of a chocolate tree!
(so do i Mmmmm!)


Pre-toothbrush hygiene

Teacher: "What did people use to clean their teeth before the toothbrush was invented?" (It was actually shredded twigs!)

Kid #1: "Some hay"
Kid #2: "A Sponge"
Kid #3: "A branch"

Tacher: "You're close"
Kid #4: "A log" (HAH!)

Kid #5: "Toothpaste, of course"


The Screwdriver, 2,400,000 B.C.

Teacher: "What was the first tool ever invented?"

Kid #1: a hammer
Kid # 2: a bat (as in baseball bat)
Kid # 3: a screwdriver

Cute! The real answer is a stone "axe" (for cutting/pounding), a tool about 2.4 million years old found in Southern Ethiopia!


Clever Sprouts

Teacher: "How do sprouts know which way to grow?" 
(the real answer has to do with gravity pulling down the roots)

kid #1: Something in the seed tells them.
kid # 2: They follow the path of the water after being watered.
kid # 3: Because of the sun.
kid # 4: My mom made sprouts for dinner once.


Bacon powder

So we did a science experiment at school today! We asked the kids to guess what would happen when we mix vinegar and baking soda together with a dash of soap?

Most popular answer in the class:  it will make bacon.

Hah! What else would "bacon powder" make? Hah. Oh these kids! Click here for the experiment!


Bye Bye Dinosaurs

Teacher: "Why did dinosaurs die out?"

Kid #1: "Because they got hit by a giant rock!"
Kid #2: "A volcano exploded!"
Kid #3: "An animal scared them all away."
....Kid #3: "They got too old."



Ant Trail

Teacher: "How do ants know how to follow each other?"
Kid #1: "They leave a trail of crumbs to follow!"
Kid# 2: "They follow the footprints of the other ones!"

(5 years old)

The Bee Dance

Teacher: "Why do bees dance?"
Kid: "They dance while they wait for the honey to become sticky!"

(4 years old)

(.... It's actually to communicate to the other bees where some good flowers are located!)


Good night!

Teacher: "Why do coyotes howl?"
Kid #1: "To attract females"
Kid #2: "To talk to other animals"
Kid #3: "To say goodnight to the other animals!"

Hah! Sooo cute!


Hungry Gorillas!

Teacher: "Why do gorillas thump their chests?"
Kid: "To check if their stomach is full!" (6 years old)
Written by a 3 year old. She was so proud! 


Peacock fans

Teacher: "Why do peacocks fan their tails?"
Kid: "Because they get sweaty and need to cool down!"

5 year old