
Pre-toothbrush hygiene

Teacher: "What did people use to clean their teeth before the toothbrush was invented?" (It was actually shredded twigs!)

Kid #1: "Some hay"
Kid #2: "A Sponge"
Kid #3: "A branch"

Tacher: "You're close"
Kid #4: "A log" (HAH!)

Kid #5: "Toothpaste, of course"


The Screwdriver, 2,400,000 B.C.

Teacher: "What was the first tool ever invented?"

Kid #1: a hammer
Kid # 2: a bat (as in baseball bat)
Kid # 3: a screwdriver

Cute! The real answer is a stone "axe" (for cutting/pounding), a tool about 2.4 million years old found in Southern Ethiopia!